Incredible Things You Can Do With Baking Soda

4 min readMar 15, 2021


Baking soda is one of the most versatile products on the market. Plus, it’s really, really cheap. Its official name is sodium bicarbonate, and it’s great for neutralizing odours, cleaning, and deodorizing. And the best part is that it doesn’t contain some of the toxic ingredients present in many of today’s products.

Baking soda has dozens of uses. From clearing up skin rashes to removing offending smells and making flower blossoms last longer, it’s surprising that more people don’t take advantage of its properties. Check out some incredible uses for baking soda…

Ease Insect Bites
Everyone hates bug bites. Not only are they unsightly, but they can also be uncomfortable and itchy. If you forget to use bug spray and are suffering the consequences, simply mix baking soda and water together to create a paste. Then use it as a salve to treat the infected area and make it heal quicker.

This is a great home remedy if you are mosquito bait and want to get rid of the insect bites as quickly as possible. Plus, it takes very little effort to create the concoction.

Clean Your Hairbrush

Admit it, you probably have a comb or hairbrush in your bathroom that you haven’t cleaned for years. It probably has some build upon it that is pretty gross. The good news is that baking soda is a great way to revive your brush and make it look brand new.

To remove oils and another residue on your comb or brush, soak it in water and baking soda. Use about one teaspoon of baking soda with one cup of water. Then simply rinse the brush and dry it.

Deodorize The Refrigerator

Stinky refrigerators can be disgusting. Perhaps it’s due to some leftovers, or maybe you haven’t cleaned it in a while. Regardless of the source, a foul smell can be a big turn off if it’s embedded in your food.

The solution is incredibly easy. Just open a box of baking soda and place it in the back of the appliance. This will neutralize any odours lurking inside. The only maintenance you need to do is replace the box with a new one every couple of months. It’s as simple as that.

Baking soda is a must-have bathroom cleanser.

Freshen Your Breath & Polish Your Teeth

No one likes having stinky breath. If you don’t have a mint, simply add one teaspoon of baking soda to a glass of water. Swish the mixture in your mouth and then spit it out. Voila! Fresh breath.

Baking soda can also be used as a natural toothpaste. While some experts only recommend occasional use because it can be quite abrasive, the substance can give your chompers a nice, clean, polished look. Simply add it to your homemade toothpaste every few weeks.

Soften Your Feet

Our feet go through a lot daily. We walk and stand on them throughout the day, whether we’re working, exercising, or spending time with family and friends. It’s no wonder they get tired and sometimes hurt. Why not pamper them a bit?

Create a solution with three tablespoons of baking soda and a small tub of warm water. Then soak your feet to soothe and soften them. This is a great way to unwind after a long day at the office or a harrowing day with your kids.

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